Parents want...
...their child to develop school readiness through play, language-based activities and structured learning experiences...
Your Prep child...
- Makes friends
- Plays and has fun
- Dresses up
- Visits places
- Presents news
- Performs
- Bakes cakes
- Makes music
- Sings
- Learns
- Dances
- Rests
- Pretends
High-quality, age appropriate learning experiences make the best of those crucial early years
Research demonstrates that structured early childhood education is an important contributor to a child's education and development.
A Firm Foundation in the Bible
Beginning with a firm foundation of the Bible, Shire Prep’s program weaves together teaching about God, His Word and His world.
Through a series of planned and purposeful learning experiences, your child’s natural curiosity is stimulated while pre-academic skills
and positive learner behaviour are developed.
Unique school-readiness program
Experienced Christian educators have compiled a unique school readiness program which seeks to build a Christian worldview while working
towards the Early Stage One outcomes of the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Social, physical and cognitive development
The Shire Prep approach is designed to stimulate social, language, physical, cognitive and spiritual growth and development.
Along with daily Bible time, strong emphasis is placed on pre-literacy and pre-numeracy skills, story time, art and craft making, music,
water play, board games and puzzles, and physical activity.
Excursions and activities
Read here about our excursions and activities.
Shire Christian School infants classes often use iPads to assist learning and Shire Prep children benefit as well. While children’s access is limited and closely monitored, they are allowed to explore the touch technology and use approved educational apps.
Studying music "has a profound effect on a child’s learning", therefore our Prep children have a music lesson with a qualified teacher once a week.
Shire Prep children participate in the annual Shire Christian School Infants (Prep to Year 2) Sports Carnival.