Joggers, sky-blue polo shirt, junior school sport shorts
Joggers, long sleeved, sky-blue polo shirt, junior school sport tracksuit
Please ensure that all items are clearly labelled with your child’s name.
Additional Items
- A broad brimmed school hat is to be worn during outside play.
- P-2 School Bag
- Library bag (must be easily recognisable)
The Prep uniform (excluding shoes) and other above items are available for purchase at the Uniform Shop on the School’s premises.
Rest Time
It is important for children to learn to be still and rest from the day’s busy activities.
They will require a sleep sheet for rest time. It may be made from a cot sheet or towel to the specifications in the diagram. Please note:
all four corners must be elasticised.
The sheet will be kept at Shire Prep for the duration of your child’s stay each week and then sent home to be washed.
A favourite soft toy or teddy bear may also be brought, clearly marked with your child’s name please.
Sick Children
We will call if your child becomes sick and needs to be collected early from Prep. Please do not send sick children to Prep as close contact among young children means that germs are easily spread.
Collecting Your Child
Drop Off/Pick Up
Parents walk their child around to the Prep gate from 8:30am. In the afternoon parents will pick up their Prep children from the front oval with the K-2 children at 2:35pm. We ask that you are punctual in collecting your child from the front oval. In keeping with school policy, Prep students are not to catch the bus to and from school.
In the morning when you arrive at school older siblings should go to their own area, not around to the Prep gate.
Please supervise your toddlers when dropping off and collecting your Prep child.
Be safe
Walking to and from the Prep room is via the main entrance (Breezeway). Please do not use the driveway as it is unsafe.
Parent Help
Once the children are settled and familiar with the routines of Prep, parents will be able to volunteer to assist in the class, subject to the usual Working With Children Check process.
Parents wishing to help out, but unable to do so during the day due to work or family commitments can be given other opportunities to be of assistance.
Morning Tea and Lunch
As part of our daily routine we break to eat morning tea and lunch together as a group. Please provide morning tea and lunch in clearly
labeled containers.
To promote healthy eating habits, we ask that you include some fruit, vegetables or other nutritional snacks. In keeping with School practice,
please do not send nut-based products including peanut butter, chocolate nut spreads or nut bars to Prep.
Children will need a reasonably sized drink bottle filled with water only. Water bottles will be refilled during the day if necessary.
Please ensure all items are clearly labelled with your child’s name.
A birthday treat to be shared with others is appreciated.
Cupcakes or individual treats for each child are preferable to a huge cake, which is difficult to cut and distribute.
Please speak to one of the teachers and let them know which day you plan to send a treat.
A notice board is mounted near the sign-in book.
Parents are asked to read this every day when picking up and dropping off students, so they can stay up to date about what is happening
in the Prep classroom. Please check your child’s bag each day after school for any notes.
The school newsletter is available on the school’s website and via email.
We want to encourage you to subscribe to the newsletter by sending us an email.
Sun Smart
Parents are asked to apply sunscreen to their children before Prep each morning. Sunscreen will be available in the classroom for application throughout the day.
Outdoor play times will change depending on the season to minimise the children’s exposure to the sun. The broad-brimmed school hat is to be worn at all times during outside play.